In an unsteady environment, creativity, art and culture are an important stronghold providing a space for young people to engage with others, try things out, experience the benefit of a community and their appreciation. However, the cultural sector has been hit hard by the pandemic. Thus, the sector needs support to build up resilience.
At the core of Your Space is the offer for disadvantaged young people to actively engage with culture and art in the district. Professional youth workers will collaborate with artists to develop scenarios and experiment with art actions involving disadvantaged young people.
The actions tap directly into the living environments of the young people and offer low-threshold access. In a “creative space”, young people will be able to perceive art as an expression of the creative nature of human beings and discover what art and culture mean to themselves. The district becomes a creative space for “participation, encounter and empowerment”; individual competence acquisition is combined with participation and social cohesion. However, creativity and art also entail complex requirements – especially for young people with fewer opportunities. Therefore, they are accompanied and guided – from an artistic, socio-educational and didactic perspective.
In addition, the creative partnerships will introduce a progressing dialogue with other local actors from the fields of education, business, civil society and politics – in order to win further supporters and to anchor the offers sustainably in the district. This ensures that the actions can be continued.
Through regular exchange, the project joins perspectives from youth policy, youth work and youth education with approaches from the creative sector, culture and art.